We are building a clean and safe living environment responsibly, environmentally consciously, and with high quality, in an economically sustainable way.
Disruptive technologies change the existing patterns of behaviour. The emergence of AI for widespread use is undoubtedly such. While Mipro’s domains, rail safety and control systems as well water and energy supply automation systems, are conservative, and the role of delivered systems in functional safety limits the use of non-reversible algorithms, there is plenty of scope for applying AI both as inhouse to boost working efficiency and in customer solutions for data analysis and predictive modelling rather than control. Quantum technologies, both computing and sensors, will play a role both in themselves and in further empowering AI. Wearable technologies, both externally and within the body, are the subject of extensive research. Breakthrough technologies are within the reach of players like Mipro in the field of their application.
Taking responsibility for the future means learning and evolving as we seek relevant solutions for a safer and cleaner future living environment. This requires conscious strategic choices to be made to become part of the solution, not the problem. On the one hand, safety is based on a realistic self-image of our capabilities and constraints, and on the other hand, we shall keep our eyes open and actively observe our environment. Relevance starts with understanding the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, so that we can deliver fit-for-purpose solutions and get things done. Integrity, the confidence that we have done our best, gives us personal security and ensures continuity. Upright accountability is the basis for honesty, openness and transparency. In this way, we can legitimately assert our rights while respecting others. In times of change, including technological change, values get tested.
Value-based organisational self-governance and self-assessment provide the basis to overcome the regulatory centricity that characterises the EU: in the current year we have invested significant human resources in CSRD, Equal Pay, NIS2, CER, CRA directives/regulations, not to mention the big five, the data management, processing and distribution regulation package, where in particular AI Act together with CRA go to the heart of software-based business. The volume of regulation, the speed of its emergence, and especially the level of detail, pose an immediate challenge to cost competitiveness, but also to the focus of staff expertise on building a clean and safe living environment.
Generally, the outlook for the construction and modernisation of critical infrastructure is bright. A service provider that adheres to European values and is strong in its own values will succeed in both the domestic and Internal Market as long as it is agile, dedicated, puts the customer first, is committed to high quality and does not forget continuous improvement. “All-inclusive” or positive involvement harnesses the whole organisation for shared success. These are our core principles.
I would like to cordially welcome,
Happy and prosperous New Year!

Anssi Laakkonen
Managing Director
Anssi’s experience in railways and industrial automation and control systems dates back to the 1980s. He has worked at Mipro since the beginning of the 2010s, most recently as the Managing Director from 2019. Participating in the social debate – and thereby the questions of the green transition and preparedness and continuity – have been part of his daily work with the chairmanship of Raidealan neuvottelukunta’s advisory board.