Mipro is a Finnish company specialised in rail traffic and industrial systems. Since 1980 Mipro has been developing safer and more efficient railway and metro traffic and industry processes for water and energy management.

Mipro is steadily growing company that has its roots and headquarters in Mikkeli. In addition, the company has offices in Espoo, Oulu and Tallinn. Mipro already employs over 150 professionals in various fields. We operate also internationally and our customers include Väylävirasto, Kaupunkiliikenne, Eesti Raudtee As and numerous water and energy companies.

Business lines


Mipro Eesti OÜ is a member of EVEL

We are glad to inform that Mipro Eesti OÜ is now a proud member of Estonian waterworks association (EVEL – Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liit). EVEL is a nationwide voluntary association of water companies providing the service of public water supply and sewerage and other business operators related to this area of activity. EVEL comprises 44 water companies and 28 companies related to the field of water management. Being part of EVEL provides Mipro with an excellent opportunity to be heard and seen in Estonia’s water management sector, including participating in EVEL’s monthly meetings and engaging in various working groups. Joining EVEL is a new step in expanding Mipro Eesti OÜ’s operations in the water management field in Estonia.

Mipro Participating in Climate Action

Nowadays, companies are increasingly striving to operate sustainably and responsibly. Companies are also encouraged to do so by tightening sustainability reporting requirements. Mipro has been committed to the UN Global Compact initiative and has published the accompanying Communication on Progress (CoP) report since 2014. Although the EU’s CSRD directive’s sustainability reporting requirements do not yet apply to companies of Mipro’s size, we are already preparing for future requirements. At the same time, we are ready to respond to inquiries from customers and partners. 

Mipro in InnoTrans 2024

Welcome to visit us at our booth 530 in “Railway technology: Signalling” hall 27 InnoTrans is once again spread over an area of more than 20 hechtares and brings together all the major rail transport companies and professionals in the field. Mipro is once again at the center of events in booth number 530. In our booth you can get acquainted with Mipro’s complete solutions for rail traffic, both rail and metro. Our sales and product team is ready to help and answer any questions about our solutions.

MISONET Automation System: Efficiency and Reliability in Ecological Fish Farming

Finnish technology company Finnforel has emerged as a pioneer in ecological fish farming since its establishment in 2017. The company is located in Varkaus, Northern Savonia, where its recirculating aquaculture system enables fish to grow in flowing water under precisely optimised conditions. The rapidly growing company opened Finland’s first broodstock and fry production facility focused on rainbow trout selection breeding in Hollola in 2023. This year, Finnforel increased its production capacity to three million kilograms with the introduction of the new Gigafactory. Finnforel products are widely sold in Finland in over a thousand grocery stores under the brand name Saimaan Tuore.