The RATA2020 event is a railway transport seminar organised by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. The event is aimed at railway professionals, railway enthusiasts and students. The theme of the RATA2020 seminar is diversification on the tracks. This refers, for example, to city rail transportation that is part of the event.
Mipro will participate in the event as an exhibitor and as a speaker in the seminars. Our experts will give their presentations in the Safety and New Technologies theme seminars.
- Turvallisuudenhallinta raideliikenteen turvajärjestelmiä toimittavassa pk-yrityksessä, Juha Turunen, 21.1.2020, at 13.50, Duetto 1
- Artificial intelligence in railway operations and maintenance,
Viet Nguyen, presenting Jussi Ojala, 22.1.2020, at 13.10, Duetto 2
welcome to our stand 38!

For further information about the event, see here.