Mipro, in cooperation with Saranen Consulting Oy, The ELY Centre and The TE Office, launches a recruitment training program, “Mipro Academy”, on the 1st of February 2022.
The recruitment program aims to find new talents to join logic programming, UI design, hardware design and testing roles, specifically for Mipro’s RAIL industry projects. There’s altogether 12 new open roles for new, future professionals.
We are looking for people with a technical background; but more importantly, we want to find enthusiastic people with a good attitude, curious mind and various work experiences. Together with Saranen, we have tailored a specific training program, that takes into account the unique RAIL industry and the technical requirements of the job. In addition to the training, from April 2022, all trainees will take part in a six-month internship, during which they will have a hands-on experience from Mipro’s ongoing projects.
For more information on the training program, visit https://www.saranen.fi/rekrytointikoulutus/mipro-a…
Mipro is specialised in railway and industrial systems. Our systems are used for safety management in railway and metro services and industry processes as well as for controlling processes in water and energy management.
Mipro is a growing business based in Mikkeli, Finland and operating in the global market. Our customers include the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (Väylävirasto), Helsinki City Transport, Estonian Railways Ltd. and numerous companies in the utilities sector.