Mipro is a Finnish company specialised in rail traffic and industrial systems. Since 1980 Mipro has been developing safer and more efficient railway and metro traffic and industry processes for water and energy management.

Mipro is steadily growing company that has its roots and headquarters in Mikkeli. In addition, the company has offices in Espoo, Oulu and Tallinn. Mipro already employs over 150 professionals in various fields. We operate also internationally and our customers include Väylävirasto, Kaupunkiliikenne, Eesti Raudtee As and numerous water and energy companies.

Business lines


Overview of the year 2024

We are building a clean and safe living environment responsibly, environmentally consciously, and with high quality, in an economically sustainable way. Disruptive technologies change the existing patterns of behaviour. The emergence of AI for widespread use is undoubtedly such. While Mipro’s domains, rail safety and control systems as well water and energy supply automation systems, are conservative, and the role of delivered systems in functional safety limits the use of non-reversible algorithms, there is plenty of scope for applying AI both as inhouse to boost working efficiency and in customer solutions for data analysis and predictive modelling rather than control. Quantum technologies, both computing and sensors, will play a role both in themselves and in further empowering AI. Wearable technologies, both externally and within the body, are the subject of extensive research. Breakthrough technologies are within the reach of players like Mipro in the field of their application.

Mipro Oy will deliver ATO-test system for the first commercial rail section of the Digirail project

Mipro Oy will supply the Automatic Train Operation functionality for the trackside system (ATO-TS) on the first commercial rail section of the Digirail project, Lielahti–Rauma/Pori. The ATO trackside system is being built to facilitate the testing of ATO-system. The procurement is an option under the previously signed agreement for the Digirail Centralised Traffic Control system (EKA CTC).

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

As in previous years, we are donating our Christmas gift funds to charity. This year, we have chosen the Hyvä Joulumieli campaign, which has brought Christmas joy to low-income families with children since 1997. This year, the fundraising goal is approximately 1.2 million euros, which will provide €70 grocery gift cards to 18,000 families in Finland. The campaign is organised by the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare and the Finnish Red Cross, in cooperation with Yle. It has been a pleasure working with you, and we hope that our collaboration continues even more successfully. Warm wishes for a joyful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Mipro Oy has been selected to deliver centralised traffic control system for the first commercial railway section of the Digirail project

Mipro Oy will deliver Centralised Traffic Control (CTC) system for the first commercial ERTMS/ETCS track section (EKA) of the Digirail project, covering the Lielahti–Rauma/Pori line in Finland. The contract was signed with Fintraffic. The purpose of Digirail project is to align train control systems with the EU’s common railway traffic requirements. Mipro has been selected as the supplier of Centralised Traffic Control (CTC) for the first commercial rail section (EKA) of the Digirail project. The project covers the Digirail EKA section from Lielahti to Rauma/Pori. The CTC system is used to manage and control rail traffic on the railway section. The system is planned to be designed, manufactured, and deployed for testing and operational use between 2025 and 2027.