An article published in Signal + Draht magazine 11/2021: Implementing modern IT requirements in Traffic Management System products
Mipro’s Chief Technology Officer, Kari Haapala’s, article “Implementing modern IT requirements in Traffic Management System products” was featured in November issue of Signal + Draht publication. In his article Haapala discusses what kind of benefits modern IT technologies can bring to rail traffic systems and why systems, like TMS or CTC, should be maintained like any other IT system.
“Maintaining a Traffic Management System (TMS) or a Centralised Traffic Control (CTC) system is no different to maintaining any other IT system. The system owners require high availability, easy upgrades, zero downtime, self-healing, a high level of information security and flexible scaling etc. This article describes how these very standard platform features can be implemented even for a legacy TMS application and what benefits modern IT technologies can bring to applications.”

Read more in our article:
Implementing modern IT requirements in Traffic Management System products
Mipro is specialised in railway and industrial systems. Our systems are used for safety management in railway and metro services and industry processes as well as for controlling processes in water and energy management.
Mipro is a growing business based in Mikkeli, Finland and operating in the global market. Our customers include the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (Väylävirasto), Helsinki City Transport, Estonian Railways Ltd. and numerous companies in the utilities sector.