An article published in Signal + Draht magazine 9/2020: Situational awareness for efficient railway operation.
Situational awareness is recognised as a critical, yet often elusive foundation for successful decision making across a broad range of situations, many of which involve the protection of human life and property. These situations also include safety critical aviation and railway industries. Lacking or inadequate situational awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error.
In an article, published in Signal + Draht magazine 9/2020, Product Manager Omair Javed and Director of Projects Suvi Hyyryläinen reflect on what kind of an impact a functioning situational awareness system has on railway operations and how Mipro REGO situational awareness system helps the user react to the problem even before it actualises.

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Situational awareness for efficient railway operations
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Mipro REGO situational awareness system
Mipro is specialised in railway and industrial systems. Our systems are used for safety management in railway and metro services and industry processes as well as for controlling processes in water and energy management.
Mipro is a growing business based in Mikkeli, Finland and operating in the global market. Our customers include the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (Väylävirasto), Helsinki City Transport, Estonian Railways Ltd. and numerous companies in the utilities sector.