
Mipro VIVO asset management solution to control FTIA’s spare parts inventory for rail signalling equipment

Mipro’s industrial cloud-based service solution Mipro VIVO is used to manage the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s (FTIA) rail signalling spare parts storage since the beginning of March 2017.

Mipro has been granted the Strongest in Finland Platinum certificate 2007 – 2017

Mipro Oy has belonged to the strongest platinum companies in Finland since 2007.

Mipro is Achiever and Growth company 2016

Mipro Oy’s excellent business performance and strong development in business volumes have resulted in Achiever and Growth company statuses awarded by Kauppalehti Oy, Finland’s leading business media, for the year 2016.

FTA’s inventory and spare parts management solution for rail signalling equipment moves into Mipro’s Industrial Cloud

Mipro delivers its spare parts management solution for the Finnish Transport Agency’s mission critical rail signalling equipment.

Mipro to renew signalling systems of three marshalling yards in Finland

The project includes the renewal of signalling systems for three marshalling yards in eastern Finland – Niirala, Kotolahti-Mussalo in Kotka, and Vainikkala – during the years 2016 – 2018.

InnoTrans 2016 was a great success for us – many thanks for visiting our stand!

The InnoTrans trade fair exceeded expectations once again: the number of exhibitors, visitors and countries represented reached a new record. For us the event was a great success – many thanks for visiting our stand!

Mipro at Innotrans 2016, 20-23 September

Mipro will participate in InnoTrans 2016, the world’s leading trade fair for rail transport technology, arranged in Berlin.

GLXS – Global Level Crossing Safety Symposium 2016

Mipro participated in the Global Level Crossing Safety Symposium that was arranged in Helsinki, Finland on 12.-16. June 2016.

TAKO – Integration of smaller regional control centres

Mipro’s article published by Signal & Draht, one of the leading international trade publications for signalling, communication and information technologies in the field of rail transport.

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015

Mipro provides United Nations with an annual Corporate Social Responsibility report concerning our relevant actions and goals.

Mipro receives Achiever status

Mipro Oy has been awarded the Achiever 2015 certificate for its financial performance.

Mipro to deliver the interlocking system for West Metro in Helsinki, Finland

The contract covers the interlocking and operation control systems, and also the passenger information system for the section Ruoholahti–Matinkylä.

How to manage a large scale, long term project

Mipro’s article published by SIGNAL & DRAHT, dealing with the Kokkola-Ylivieska double-track Project.

Mipro to modernise the remote control for Western Finland’s railway traffic

Unified traffic control for existing and new control areas.

Mipro to deliver the signalling system to the Kokkola–Ylivieska railway section on the Finnish west coast

One of the largest signalling system projects in Finland spans over 2013–2017